Moral Arguments for the Existence of God

I was originally going to post this as a comment on Sven's interesting and provocative post, "Just chemistry," but it ended up being long enough to make a short post out of it instead. As I read it, Sven's argument that atheists cannot give a rational foundation for morality could also be interpreted as a … Continue reading Moral Arguments for the Existence of God

*The War of the End of the World* by Mario Vargas Llosa

The War of the End of the World is the latest entry on my desert-island list of books. It's the second book by Peruvian novelist, Nobelist, and classical liberal Mario Vargas Llosa that I've read (the other is The Feast of the Goat), and easily the better of the two. It is a fictionalized account … Continue reading *The War of the End of the World* by Mario Vargas Llosa

The Religious Are More Trustworthy

Atheists may be smarter than the religious, but the religious are more likely to do the right thing when they aren't being watched (see also Ron Bailey's post here). On the other hand, the differences between the religious and nonreligious in these studies are unlikely to justify quite the levels of mistrust toward atheists found … Continue reading The Religious Are More Trustworthy